Terms For Commissions
Art Commissions:
Sketches - £15'
Includes: 5 free revisions, shading, detail, headshot, bust or full body, one figure.
Does not include: Colour, background.
Picture With Colour - £20
Includes: 5 free revisions, shading, detail, headshot, bust or full body, simple background (colour, gradient, etc), one figure.
Does not include: Full landscape background.
Picture With Background - £25
Does include: 5 free revisions, shading, detail, headshot, bust or full body, full landscape background, one figure.
- Extra figures - £5 each
- Extra animated effects - £3
- Additional revisions - £3
Scriptwriting Commissions - £3 per page
Does include - 5 free revisions, necessary research.
Does not include - In-depth research (5 pages or more)
- In-depth research - £5

This site may be updated

As we work on more projects, we may add more pages to this website - be sure to check back with us!

Thank you for your time

We really appreciate you checking out our content - even if the only part of our content you check out is this site. Your time is appreciated.

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